Top 10 New Years Resolutions: Simplified
Seasons Greetings! Thank you for stopping by! We hope you had a fabulous Christmas along with friends and family. As the year winds down and comes to an end, it is important to reflect on all of the highlights that this year has brought. It is also a time to manifest what habits that we would like to embrace in the new year! We have accumulated the top 10 New Year’s resolutions to follow and simplified them. Be advised that these are just suggestion meant for you to make your own. You can pull some or all of them if you would like for the upcoming 2023 year.
1.) Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone.
In no particular order we are starting out with our first New Year’s Resolution as getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. What ever that may be, let’s find ways to overcome that boundary set forth by ourselves. Some insecurities can be small and some big but the whole idea is to broaden your perspective and embrace something different.

2.) Be More Unapologetic.
Say what you mean, mean what you say. If this does not apply to you, then you’re a Rockstar! But for the ladies that carry the need to apologize for everything…it’s time to reconsider what exactly we’re saying sorry for. If you didn’t do anything wrong, there is no need for an apology tour.

3.) Read More.
Reading not only enhances your writing and comprehension levels but it is good for the soul. Next year, let’s put down the phone and pick up a book. A proper goal should be to read one book per month.

4.) Exercise Your Brain.
My previous point also helps with exercising your brain. However, this step is crucial as making sure that your brain is in tip top shape can help improve your memory and reduces anxiety and depression. We can all use a lot less of that in the next year.

5.) Practice Mindfulness.
This means that we are self-aware and aware of our triggers, our wants, and our needs. Being mindful of your surroundings is also key. Knowing when is the proper time and place to react and speak on something can help maintain important relationships in your life.
Understanding these concepts can help add peace into your life subconsciously.

6.) Meal Prep.
We’re not saying start dieting, that is overrated. We are simply implying that meal prepping can create healthier habits. They allow you to budget properly, and they are an easy grab and go time saving meal.

7.) Healthier Sleeping Patterns.
On that note, practicing healthier sleeping patterns can make all the difference to a successful day. It also aids in weight loss and proper overall health and boosts your mood for the mornings.

8.) Exercise.
And continuing on to our health-related resolution, Exercise. Yay! Everyone’s favorite! However, exercise not only keeps you on track physically but it also helps with your mental health. Again, we’re not saying lose 40lbs, but instead dedicate yourself to an exercise routine that you can keep up with and add to it as you go.

9.) Prioritize Annual Health Screenings.
Don’t let precious time slip away, it is detrimental that you schedule your health screenings at least once this year. This means Physical, two teeth cleanings per year, and check in with a psychologist/ therapist if need be. Best to be safe than sorry.

10.) Build A Better Budget.
Last but certainly not least, to rid yourself of debt, go on that dream vacation, or even establish yourself financially building better budget habits is literally the name of the game. If you find it is hard to budget, you should start thinking of ways to invest to gain the most of your side hustles to help with financial needs.

So, there you have it. Our top-notch bulletproof guide to your 2023 New Years Resolutions simplified. Take from this what you would like and most importantly, don’t forget your confidence in the new year, you’re gonna need it!
Love Always,
Sophie & Hailee